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Monday, January 23, 2012

Did Ghostwriter "Antonio Walker" Expose Lil Kim?

Okay so people have believed for years that Lil Kim has had  ghostwriters. Even though she has said she doesn't have one or never had one. It has always been believed that Biggie her mentor wrote songs for her. I mean any hip-hop head has heard the "Queen Bitch" Phantom Tape with Biggie spitting the song. And in an interview the Brooklyn Femcee has admitted that The Late Great Notorious B.I.G penned music for her.

Fast forward to 2012. Well apparently one of her alleged ghostwriters is now revealing all. The whole conversation was sparked between Antonio Walker AKA "Dutchy" Walker" twitter name @therealestdutch and a close associate of mine. You don't have to take his word for it, he actually shows the alleged contract.  I'm not sure what sparked it all, but it was enough to put her on blast.

Here are the photos of the contract between Antonio & Queen Bee Entertainment. We don't see his signature on the contract so this is all speculation, But if this is true it can be damaging, For her career, and him legally for divulging this information. So what do you think? Do you believe him or not?


  1. Ummm. Because this is a hip-hop news blog and that is hip-hop news. Any other dumb questions?

  2. Kwamae stop writing about Kim I swear you diamond and Laverne are some fucking haters

    1. What in the world did you just spell? That's not my name.
